It's about the Light we bring...

Kelsey Trautman
at Sky&Earth Center of Light
Kelsey Trautman is a certified Teacher, Healer, Life Activation Practitioner and 2.5 Ritual Master with the Modern Mystery School in The Lineage of King Solomon.
Her service is in holding the door open for others to remember and actualize their highest potential in this lifetime. Acting as an escort for healing, empowerment, and support for those who are ready to make real shifts in their life. She has a plethora of understanding and experience when it comes to healing and applying the tools necessary to make real shifts in creating that better life. Kelsey has walked the path of the Initiate for 9+ years, starting her journey with the Modern Mystery School in June 2014, shortly after becoming a Kabbalist in March 2016, and continuing her education to becoming a certified Life Activation Practitioner in November 2017. As for the Warrior Path, Kelsey started her journey in November 2020.

Life Activation
Kelsey's Personal Experience
Really, my journey began as a young child. There was a lot of chaos I was exposed to growing up that left me questioning the choices of those around me and made me really think about the Life I wanted to live. I had to develop at a young age a sense of self-trust, being guided by my own understanding most of my Life. I always had a sense of something bigger than myself, and when I came into my teen years that became more apparent to me. Furthermore, I have always known that I was here to make some kind of impact on the world so when it came time to make a decision on a career I began with a degree in Environmental Science. During this time I had an experience that shifted my perspective and it no longer became about just saving the planet, but about changing our perspective as human beings and how we create things at large in our world in order to make a real shift in climate change, corrupt systems, government, etc. So with this, I began my journey of Self-healing and shifting my perspective and facing my trauma and in doing so, I ended up working with others in their healing process as well. I was able to accomplish a lot on my own, but I knew I needed more tools and support for not only myself but those around me.
I began looking for a school that would support me in this and in doing some research I came across the Modern Mystery School and received my Life Activation. My world finally began to shift in ways that were much more supportive of what I was desiring to create and in alignment with my soul. Things that no longer served me began to fall away effortlessly and new abundant opportunities began to arise. I began to understand what it meant to honor my gifts and I realized it wasn’t just about changing the world. It was about changing myself and honoring who I am, and how I choose to interact with the world that was going to create the impact I wanted to make and see around me.
Get in Touch

Kelsey Trautman
Certified Healer & Teacher