Walking The Path
Bringing Light & Empowerment
Where to begin?
That is the question, “What will serve me best as I begin this process of transformation?” The best place to start is with the Life Activation, this is a fundamentally life changing session that is the planting of the seed for growth that will give you the foundation to connect with your higher purpose in life, reveiling your hidden gifts and activate the 22 strands of your DNA bringing more light and energy into your body and life.

The Path of The Initiate
The Life Activation is the first step to many other opportunitys that lineage has to offer. The next step is Initiation called the Empower Thyself class where you recieve tools and knowledge that has served humanity for 3,500 years that will help you:
• Understand what it means to be human being in this Universe
• An alternate history of humanity according to the oral tradition
• Human energetic and spiritual anatomy
• How we work with creative energy
• The structure of the mind
• How to change our mental process to create more of what we are looking for
• Establishing relationships with the many beings who can be accessed by initiates for support and healing
• Sanctuary Meditation technique to access your own Higher Self
• Ancient rituals that protect your mind, body and spirit
If this resonates with you, please contact for more information and schedule your Life Activation today!

Get in Touch

Kelsey Trautman
Life Activation Practitioner